Hacksaw Designation | How to Buy Hacksaw ?

Hacksaw Designation | How to Buy Hacksaw ?


Hacksaw blade is used to cut the metals and plastic components such as round bar, PVC pipes. Hacksaw blades are available in market, you just need to buy Hacksaw according to your needs and application. This article will guide about Basic terminology of hacksaw blade, Material used for hacksaw Blades, Designation for Hacksaw blades which useful while buying the blade from the market. This guide also helpful for making final year project report of this projects 
  1. Pedal Operated Direct Simple Hacksaw ProjectOpens in a new tab.
  2. Fabrication Of Pedal Powered Dual Chain Hacksaw MachineOpens in a new tab.

Terminology used in Hacksaw blade:

For the purpose of this standard, following definitions shall apply (see Fig.).
parts of hacksaw
parts of hacksaw

Fig. Terms Relating to Hacksaw Blades


Centre Line-The longitudinal line which passes through the centres of the pin holes.

Pin Hole-The hole at each end of the blade by means of which the blade is held and tension when in use. The pin holes are normally located on the centre line of the blade.

Teeth-The serrations formed across the thickness of the blade to provide cutting edges.

Toothed Edge-The longitudinal edge along which the teeth have been formed.

Cutting Edge-The edge of the face intended to perform cutting. It is formed by the intersection of the flank and the face.

Face-The surface of the tooth over which the chip flows.

Flank-That surface over which the surfaces produced on the work piece pass. It extends to the root radius.

Root Radius-The radius connecting the face of the tooth and flank of the preceding tooth.

Gullet-The space bounded by the face, root radius and flank of a tooth, which permits chip removal.

Back Edge-The longitudinal edge parallel to the toothed edge.

Side-The flat surface between the toothed edge and the back edge.

Set-The projection of teeth from the side of the blade, to provide cutting clearance.

Staggered Set-The transverse setting or staggering of groups of teeth.

Wavy Set-The transverse setting or staggering of groups of teeth in the wave form.

Linear Dimensions
Nominal Length-The dimension between the centres of the pin holes, measured along the centre line of the blade.
Overall Length-The dimension between the ends of the blade measured along its centreline.
Width-Width is the overall distance between the toothed edge and the back edge.
Thickness-The distance between the two sides of the blade body, excluding any set.
Pitch-The distance between the adjacent cutting edges.
The dimensions of hand hacksaw blade and machine hacksaw blade shall be as given below.

Dimensions of hand hacksaw blades

Dimensions of machinehacksaw blades


High-Speed Steel
Bi-metal High-Speed Steel
Low Alloy Steel 
1) All Hard Blade (Type A)

A blade hardened uniformly except for the area adjacent  to the pin holes.

2)  Flexible Blade (Type B)

A blade hardened uniformly along the length of toothed  edge.

3)Flexible Centre Blade (Type C)

A blade uniformly hardened and tempered along the  length of toothed edge and the back edge with the centre  of the blade in soft condition and the back edge either soft or hard.

4) Spring 

Back Blade (Type D) 

A blade hardened uniformly along the length of toothed  edge, the remainder being spring tempered.

5) Shatterproof  Blade (Type E)

A hand hacksaw blade of any type or quality so Manufactured that it will resist breakage but if breakage  occur, it will not fragment into more than two pieces.


Hacksaw blades shall be designated by the name, type,nominal length, width, thickness, pitch, number of this standard and the symbol for material.
Example 1
 A hand hacksaw blade of Type A having nominal length,
L= 300 mm; width,
a = 12.5 mm; thickness,
b = 0.63 mm; pitch,
P = 1.0 mm conforming to this
standard and made from low alloy steel (LA) shall be
Designated as: Hand Hacksaw Blade, A 300x 12.5 x 0.63 x 1.0 IS 2594-LA
Example 2
A machine hacksaw blade of Type A having nominal
L= 400 mm; width,
a = 32 mm; thickness,
b = 1.60 mm; pitch,
P = 2.5 mm; conforming to this
standard and made from high-speed steel (HS) shall be
Designated as: Machine Hacksaw Blade, A 400x 32 x 1.60 x 2.5 IS 2594-HS
Example 3
A machine hacksaw blade of Type A, having nominal length, L = 400 mm; width, a = 32 mm; thickness, b = 1.60 mm; pitch, P = 2.5; mm made from hi-metal HSS conforming to this standard shall be
Designated as: Machine Hacksaw Blade, A 400 x 32 x 1.6 x 2.5 IS 2594-HSS

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Sachin Thorat

Sachin is a B-TECH graduate in Mechanical Engineering from a reputed Engineering college. Currently, he is working in the sheet metal industry as a designer. Additionally, he has interested in Product Design, Animation, and Project design. He also likes to write articles related to the mechanical engineering field and tries to motivate other mechanical engineering students by his innovative project ideas, design, models and videos.

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