About Us

SachinThorat AdminOfwww.mechenggNet28229

Who We Are?

LearnMech.Com is one of the leading Mechanical Engineering Portal run by Sachin Thorat, where lots of topics are discussed related to Mechanical Engineering and Technology. We have high-quality content as well as Error Free too.

Our Journey started in 2014 and still continue by your love and support. However previously we named MechEngg.Net and earlier around 2 years we change that name to LearnMech.Com

Who the Man Behind This Portal?

Hey There, I am Sachin Thorat, a Mechanical Engineering graduate and also a Diploma holder in Mechanical Engineering from Pune, Maharashtra. Currently, I am in a sheet metal industry as a Designer. I have experience in Product Design, Animation, and Project Design. My only motive to create this portal is to motivate other mechanical engineering students by my innovative project ideas, design, models and videos.

Sachin Thorat author at LearnMech.com