Intelligent Braking System in Four Wheeler – Mechanical Project

Intelligent Braking System (IBS) in Four Wheeler – Mechanical Project


The technology of pneumatic has gained tremendous importance in the field of workplace rationalization and automation from old-fashioned timber works and coal mines to modern machine shops and space robots.

It is therefore important that technicians and engineers should have a good knowledge of pneumatic system, air operated valves and accessories. The air is compressed in an air compressor and from the compressor plant the flow medium is transmitted to the pneumatic cylinder through a well laid pipe line system. To maintain optimum efficiency of pneumatic system, it is of vital importance that pressure drop between generation and consumption of compressed air is kept very low.

The aim is to design and develop a control system based an intelligent electronically controlled automotive braking system is called “AUTOMATIC REVERSE BRAKING SYSTEM”. This Braking system is consists of IR transmitter and Receiver circuit, Control Unit, Pneumatic breaking system. The IR sensor is used to detect the obstacle. There is any obstacle in the path, the IR sensor senses the obstacle and giving the control signal to the breaking system. The pneumatic breaking system is used to break the system.


We have pleasure in introducing our new project “AUTOMATIC REVERSE BRAKING SYSTEM”, which is fully equipped by IR sensors circuit and Pneumatic breaking circuit. It is a genuine project which is fully equipped and designed for Automobile vehicles.
This forms an integral part of best quality. This product underwent strenuous test in our Automobile vehicles and it is good.

The “PNEUMATIC BRAKING CIRCUIT” can stop the vehicle within 2 to 3 seconds running at a speed of 50 KM. The Reverse breaking system is a fully automation project.



The IR TRANSMITTER circuit is to transmite the Infra-Red rays. If any obstacle is there in a path, the Infra-Red rays reflected. This reflected Infra-Red rays are received by the receiver circuit is called “IR RECEIVER”.

The IR receiver circuir receives the reflected IR rays and giving the control signal to the control circuit. The control circuit is used to activate the solenoid valve. If the solenoid valve is activated, the compressed air passes to the Double Acting Pneumatic Cylinder. The compressed air activate the pneumatic cylinder and moves the piston rod.

If the piston moves forward, then the breaking arrangement activated. The breaking arrangement is used to break the wheel gradually or suddenly due to the pistion movement. The breaking speed is varied by adjesting the valve is called “FLOW CONTROL VALVE”.

In our project, we have to apply this breaking arrangement in one wheel as a model. The compressed air drawn from the compressor in our project. The compressed air floe through the Polyurethene tube to the flow control valve. The flow control valve is connected to the solenoid valve as mentioned in the block diagram.



For automobile application
Industrial application


  1. Brake cost will be less.
  2. Free from wear adjustment.
  3. Less power consumption
  4. Less skill technicians is sufficient to operate.
  5. It gives simplified very operation.
  6. Installation is simplified very much.
  7. To avoid other burnable interactions viz.… (Diaphragm) is not used.
  8. Less time and more profit.

Sachin Thorat

Sachin is a B-TECH graduate in Mechanical Engineering from a reputed Engineering college. Currently, he is working in the sheet metal industry as a designer. Additionally, he has interested in Product Design, Animation, and Project design. He also likes to write articles related to the mechanical engineering field and tries to motivate other mechanical engineering students by his innovative project ideas, design, models and videos.

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