Bedini wheel Using Electromagnetic Flux Generation

Bedini wheel Using Electromagnetic Flux Generation

Abstract- This paper presents the performance comparison for 2 types of Bedini SSG free energy generator. The Bedini SSG is one types of magnetic motor generators based on zero point technology created and demonstrated by John Bedini. This device acts as a self-battery charger.
The study involved the construction and performance of the original Bedini Monopole Mechanical Oscillator SSG Energizer and 4-Pole
Neodymium Magnet Bedini SSG. This type of free energy generator can be one of an alternative way to replace the non-renewable energy sources that will run out in future. In this paper, the Battery’s Coefficient of Performance (COP) for both designs will be identified. Investigation and analysis were done for both types of Bedini SSG. It was found that the replication design can charge faster, had less power consumption and its COP improved by 8% compared to the original design.

Free energy generator is one type of free energy device that applied to produce the energy without utilizes resources from outside such as
burning fossil fuels namely coal, petroleum and natural gas[1]. Free energy also used to minimize the cost of energy consumption[2]. The
free energy generator is a decent, powerful and well-looking topology that can give benefit to human being. This free energy idea and
concept came from Nikola Tesla. Nowadays, this energy is implementing by further research with many scientists and researcher. One of the
type’s free energy generators is Bedini SSG.
Bedini simplified school girl (SSG) is the most basic rendition of a patented circuit developed by John Bedini and researched by Dr. Peter
A. Lindemann, based on the technology of Nikola Tesla, with follow-up work by Edwin Gray, Thomas H. Moray, and others. This design
is the most basic presentation of the Bedini system. The circuit is run by one battery as primary battery to produce mechanical work like
turning a wheel or rotor and the electricity that consume to turning a rotor is recycled and capture into another battery . Basically, a feature
of this device based on a very simple design. It is also inexpensive in term of construction.

bedeni ssg
bedeni ssg

As a conclusion, this project is a successful project and full fills the objective requirement. 4-pole neodymium magnet has successful
improve on COP by 8%. Besides that, the replication design also can charge faster than original design and also had less power consumption.
It is also can save 20% cost of construction compared to the original design. Therefore, it can be concluded that replication design produced
better performance compared to the original design.

Sachin Thorat

Sachin is a B-TECH graduate in Mechanical Engineering from a reputed Engineering college. Currently, he is working in the sheet metal industry as a designer. Additionally, he has interested in Product Design, Animation, and Project design. He also likes to write articles related to the mechanical engineering field and tries to motivate other mechanical engineering students by his innovative project ideas, design, models and videos.

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