Pro Engineer PTC Software | Interview Question and Answers Part 2

Pro Engineer PTC Software | Interview Question and Answers Part 2

Pro Engineer PTC Software | Interview , viva, Oral Question and Answers

ProE Wildfire interview Question and Answers : Part 1Opens in a new tab.  | Part 2Opens in a new tab.  | Part 3Opens in a new tab. 


31. What is the minimum number of surfaces you must remove when adding a shell feature?


32. What is the minimum number of sections you must sketch when adding a blend feature?


33. What is the difference between a ‘straight’ and ‘smooth’ blend feature?

Straight extrudes with straight segments between the sections. Smooth extrudes with the best fit arc between three or more sections.

34. What is the first section of a sweep feature called?


35. What does the start point and direction arrow do in a blend feature?

The start point determines where the system starts counting the vertices in the section.

36. What does a ‘blend vertex’ do?

A blend vertex adds one additional vertex to the sketch, for example, when blending between a rectangle and a triangle a blend vertex is required on the triangle section so that the sections have the same number of vertices.

Pro E Interview Question and Answers
Pro E Interview Question and Answers

37. Why is alignment not always necessary when creating the cross section of a sweep feature?

Because the system draws two sketcher centerlines, and if you sketch close enough to the centerlines, the system will assume alignment.

38. What are the three types of dimensional patterns?

Identical, varying, general.

39. What is the requirement for a feature to be patterned?

The feature must have a locating dimension.

40. Which of the three types of dimensional patterns regenerates fastest?


41. What is a reference pattern?

A pattern that follows another pattern.

42. How do you control the number of turns in a helical sweep feature?

You can’t, directly. The number of turns is the length of the trajectory divided by the pitch.

43. How do you add a mapkey to a pull-down menu?

Use utilities, customized screen and pick the menus tab, then pick the menu, then pick the mapkey, then pick the arrow, then pick ok.

44. How do you add an icon to a toolbar?

Use Utilities, Customize Screen, and pick the ‘Commands’ tab. Select in the categories panel and then drag the icons to the toolbars.

45. What is the ‘Intent Manager’?

The new sketcher where the section is always regenerated.

46. List three uses for datum curves.

To create a layout. To define an area on the part that is not really a solid feature, for example, where to apply a label to the part. To develop kinematic mechanisms

48. What text should not be edited in the drawing title block?

The tolerances, the scale, the number of sheets, just about everything except your name and the date, because they are all driven by parameters coming from the part.

49. How do you change the tolerance values in the drawing title block?

Change the tolerances in the part which can be displayed using the environment menu under utilities.

50. If a drawing view is added with the ‘no scale’ option, does it really have no scale?

No, it uses the sheet scale.

51. What type of view must the first view added to a drawing be?

General, and you must orient it using save views from the model.

52. Why should you use #Disp Mode on drawing views?

Because by default, drawing views get their hidden line removal from the environment. Each users environment may be different thus causing the drawing views to look different when another user opens the drawing.

53. What is a ‘shown’ dimension?

A dimension from the model.

54. If you erase a dimension, is it gone forever?


55. Why is it a good idea to start drawings early in the part design?

Because it’s easier to show the dimensions from the model a few features at a time. Start the drawing early and have the drawing process be a parallel process with creating the part. In other words, create a couple features, go to the drawing, show the dimensions from the feature on the drawing, go back to the model, create a couple more features, show those dimensions on the drawing, etc.

56. What is the best way to show dimensions?

Use preview and pick the features from the model tree.

57. How are the default number of decimal places and default tolerance values determined for parts and assemblies?

They are built into the start part and start assembly.

59. Why should you put assembly components on a layer?

So you can see to add new components to the assembly. Layers do not care about parent/child relationships.

60. How do you get a list of all the features in a model?

Use info feature list.


ProE Wildfire interview Question and Answers : Part 1Opens in a new tab.  | Part 2Opens in a new tab.  | Part 3Opens in a new tab. 

More Resources /articles
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Sachin Thorat

Sachin is a B-TECH graduate in Mechanical Engineering from a reputed Engineering college. Currently, he is working in the sheet metal industry as a designer. Additionally, he has interested in Product Design, Animation, and Project design. He also likes to write articles related to the mechanical engineering field and tries to motivate other mechanical engineering students by his innovative project ideas, design, models and videos.

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