Pro Engineer PTC Software | Interview Question and Answers Part 3

Pro Engineer PTC Software | Interview Question and Answers Part 3

Pro Engineer PTC Software | Interview , viva, Oral Question and Answers

ProE Wildfire interview Question and Answers : Part 1Opens in a new tab.  | Part 2Opens in a new tab.  | Part 3Opens in a new tab. 


61. Name three things about a feature that you can not redefine.

The class (solid, datum, and surface), the type (protrusions or cut), the form (extrude, revolve, sweep, and blend).

62. Name three things about a feature that you can redefine.

Everything in the dialog box (attributes (one-sided, both sides), sketch, direction, material side, depth, etc.).

63. Can a feature be reordered before any of its parents?

No, never.

64. Explain the difference between insert mode and suppressing features.

Insert mode allows you to add features to the model before existing features and have the existing features move down in the model tree. Suppress removes features temporarily, but when they resume, they come back to their original position in the model tree.

65. List three reasons to suppress features.

To simplify the model, to speed regeneration. To try different design iterations (what-if scenarios). To reduce file size for transfers thru email or floppy disks, etc.

66. Can a feature with children be suppressed?

Yes, if you are willing to suppress the children as well.

Pro Engineer PTC Software Interview Question and Answers Part 3
Pro Engineer PTC Software Interview Question and Answers Part 3

67. Explain parent/child relationships.

Features reference the parents for definition. Example, the sketching plane of an extruded protrusion is it’s first parent. The protrusion is the child of the sketching plane, etc.

68. What is ‘Component Display’?

Component display is used to show components in an assembly in different display modes. (Wireframe, hidden line, no hidden, shaded, or not shown at all).

69. How do you find parent/child relationships?

Use info, global, reference viewer.

71. What are the steps required to get just one components default datum planes displayed in an assembly?

Using layers, blank the layer containing the default datum planes, pick the plus sign next to that layer in the layer display dialog box and then pick the component that you want to see the planes in and then pick the show icon.

72. Why would you do this?

To be sure that when creating a feature, you are using the datum planes in that part so that you don’t make unwanted external references (parent/child relationships).

73. What does ‘save status’ in the layer menu do?

Save status permanently sets the layer displays status of the model so that when the model is saved and opened again the layer display is still set that way.

74. What function in layers should you not use?

It is normally recommended that beginners not use the isolate function in layer display.

75. When copying a feature, what is the difference between ‘dependent’ and ‘independent’?

Dependent means that the copy feature will change when the original feature is changed. Independent means that the new feature will not change when you change the original feature.

76. What is different about a feature that has a dependent copy?

When redefining a feature that has a dependent copy, the alignment function in the sketcher is not available.

77. How do you make a dependent copy feature independent from its original feature?

Use modify, make independent.

78. What is the pro_group_dir for?

This configuration option is used to tell the system where you are keeping your udf’s.

82. What is a cosmetic thread and why is it used?

A cosmetic thread is a special surface feature that is used to define threads in models. It is only a cosmetic feature and does not affect mass properties. On drawings these features display like you normally want them to for a threaded hole.

83. How do you create an opposite hand (mirror image) part?

Create an assembly without datum planes. Assemble the part that you want to make a mirror of. Pick component, create, part, mirror. Enter a name for the new part, pick ok, and select a datum plane in the part for the mirror plane.

84. How do you get a bill of materials list of the components in an assembly?

Use info bom.

85. How do you modify a ‘mate offset’ dimension?

Pick modify, pick the component, pick the dimension, enter a value, pick regenerate, automatic

86. When do you use two equal signs in a relation?

When testing for equality.

87. When do you use one equal sign in a relation?

When setting equality (making one thing equal to another).

88. What does ‘ceil 10.2’ evaluate to?


89. What does ‘floor 25.8’ evaluate to?


90. When do part relations evaluate?

At the beginning of regeneration before any features are regenerated.

95. Why should you comment relations?

You should comment relations so that other users can understand what you are trying to accomplish with the relations.

96. What does ‘sort relations’ do?

Sorts the relations in case of circular references within the relations.

97. Can you add motion to a part?


98. How do you add a model parameter in a drawing note?

Use ampersand and then the parameter name (&material).

99. What is the difference between #Move and #Move Text?

. Move allows you to move the selected item anywhere. Move text allow you to move the selected item only parallel to the elbow

100. Name the four types of tolerance formats?

Nominal (no tolerance shown), plus/minus, plus/minus symmetric, limits.

101. Which of the tolerance formats should you not use?

Plus/minus (because manufacturing people want the model at the mean size not the nominal size).

102. What is a drawing symbol?

A symbol is a collection of draft entities that are stored together for reuse on other drawings

103. Can a drawing reference more than one assembly?


ProE Wildfire interview Question and Answers : Part 1Opens in a new tab.  | Part 2Opens in a new tab.  | Part 3Opens in a new tab. 

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Sachin Thorat

Sachin is a B-TECH graduate in Mechanical Engineering from a reputed Engineering college. Currently, he is working in the sheet metal industry as a designer. Additionally, he has interested in Product Design, Animation, and Project design. He also likes to write articles related to the mechanical engineering field and tries to motivate other mechanical engineering students by his innovative project ideas, design, models and videos.

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