Engineering Drawing Basic | Interview Question and Answers – Part 1
Engineering Drawing , graphics , Machine Drawing Interview, viva , oral Examination Question and Answers For Mechanical Engineering Students .
Engineering Drawing Basic – Part 1 | Part 2
| Part 3
| Part 4
Q1 – Define engineering drawing. Why drawing is called universal language of engineers?
Ans1:-A drawing drawn by an engineer having engineering knowledge for the drawing purposes is an engineering drawing. It is meant for communicating his ideas, thoughts and designs to others. Engineering drawing is a starting point of all engineering branches such as Mechanical, Production, Civil, Electrical, Electronics, Computer science, Chemical etc. It is spoken, read, and written in its own way. Engineering drawing has its own grammar in the theory of projections, its idioms in conventional practices, its punctuations in the types of lines, its abbreviations, symbols and its descriptions in the constructions.
Q2 – Name different types of drawing instruments.
Ans2 – Drawing board, T-square, Set Square, Scales, Pencil and sand paper block, Drawing pins or cello-tape, Duster or handkerchief, eraser etc.
Q3 – Why pencil is rotated in finger while drawing a long line?
Ans3 – The pencil is rotated in finger while drawing a long line in order to get a line of uniform thickness throughout.
Q4 – How will you test the set square and T-square?
Ans4 – Testing of T-square – (i) Check all screw heads and tighten, if necessary
(ii) In order to check the T-square, first of all draw a horizontal line. Now reverse the T-square and again draw a horizontal line with working edge. If both the lines coincide with each other, then the working edge of T- square is alright. If there is a difference in two lines, then working edge is not correct and the line gives twice the error of the working edge. This error should be rectified by scraping the edge with a scraper or a sharp knife.
Testing of set-squares – The straightness of edges of the set-square can be checked by drawing a vertical line. Then reverse the set-square and draw again vertical line. If there is any difference between the two vertical lines then working edge is not correct and the line gives twice the error. This error can be removed by straightening the edges by means of a scraper or sand paper.
Q5 – What are the standard sizes of drawing sheets according to I.S.I. and which is suitable for drawing work?
Ans5 – The standard size of sheets according to I.S.I. are A0(1189 X 841), A1 (841 X 594), A2(594 X 420), A3(420 X 297), A4(297 X 210) and A5(210 X 148). Drawing sheet of size 594 X 420 i.e. A2 size is generally used by engineering students as it is very handy and easy for drawing work in class.

Q6 – What are the ways of sharpening a pencil for good and accurate work and which type of pencil is more suitable for drawing work?
Ans6 – There are two ways of sharpening a pencil (i) a small piece of sand paper of zero grade, pasted upon a piece of wood. (ii) Sharpeners. Usually hard pencils such as H, 2H etc are used for making the engineering drawing.
Q7 – Why cello-tape is used instead of drawing pins, now a day?
Ans7 – Now a days, cello tapes are used in place of drawing pins for its practical convenience as the drafter, Tsquare and set-squares can be moved easily over the tape.
Q8 – What is layout of drawing sheet?
Ans8 – The selection of suitable scale and allotment of proper space for margin, title block, parts list, revision panel, folding marks etc. on the drawing sheet is known as layout of drawing sheet.
Q9 – Why is the layout of sheet is necessary?
Ans9 – Layout of the drawing on the drawing sheet is necessary in order to make its reading easy and speedy. The title blocks, parts list etc will provide all the required information.
Q10 – List out the contents of title block and material list
Ans10 – The title block should contain at least the following informations.
(i) Name of the institution
(ii) Name of title of drawing
(iii) Name, Class and Roll no. of the student
(iv) Scale
(v) Drawing number
(vi) Symbols denoting the method of projection
Q11 – What is the necessity of folding a drawing print?
Ans11 – Folding marks are made on the sheet to facilitate folding of prints for the purposes of filing and binding in the proper and easy manner.
Q12 – What do you mean by convention or code?
Ans12 – The representation of any matter by some sign or mark on the drawing is known as convention or code. The conventions make the drawing simple and easy to draw.
Q13 – What do you understand by thickness of lines?
Ans13 – There are three distinct thickness of lines used in engineering drawing. These lines are specified as thick, medium and thin lines. The line specified as thick is usually 3 times thicker and the line specified as medium is 2 times thicker than a thin line.
Q14 – Where and why a cutting plane is drawn in a drawing?
Ans14 – The section plane are generally perpendicular planes. The projection of a section plane, to which it is perpendicular, is a straight line. This line will be parallel, perpendicular or inclined to the x-y line. The cutting plane is drawn in a drawing to show the inner details of an object.
Q15 – What is the necessity of convention breaks and convention of materials?
Ans15 – Long members of uniform cross-section such as rods, shafts, pipes etc. are generally shown in the middle by the conventional breaks so as to accommodate their view of whole length on the drawing sheet without reducing the scale. The exact length of the member is shown by the dimension.
Q16 – Why the conventional representation of common features are adopted on the drawing?
Ans16 – The conventional representation of common features are adopted on the drawing to save the unnecessary time or space on the drawing.
Q17 – What are the main requirements of lettering?
Ans17:- 1) The knowledge of shape and proportion of each letter.
2) The knowledge of the order and direction of the strokes used in making letters.
3) The knowledge of the general composition of letters.
4) The knowledge of rules for combining letters into words and words into sentences.
Q18 – What is lettering?
Ans18 – The art of writing the alphabets A, B, C,…….Z and numbers such as 1, 2, 3……0 etc. is known as lettering.
Q19 – What do you mean by composition of letters?
Ans19 – The composition means the composing of letters into words and words into sentences. The letters are so arranged that the open area between two letters of a word appears equal to the eye judgement.
Q20 – What do you mean by uniformity of letters?
Ans20 – The uniformity of lettering means keeping the height, inclination, spacing and strength of letters to be same. It is very essential for good lettering in engineering drawing.
Q21 – What do you mean by normal, compressed and extended lettering?
Ans21 –
Normal lettering: – The normal lettering have normal height and width and are used for general purposes. The width of the normal letter is about 0.67 times of the height of the letter.
Compressed lettering: – The compressed lettering are those which are written in the narrow space. These are used when the space is limited. The widths of the condensed letters are less than height.
Extended lettering: – The extended lettering are those which are wider than noramal letters but of the same height.
Q22 – What are the guidelines and why they are necessary in lettering?
Ans22:- The lines which are used to regulate the height and inclination to the letters and numerals are known as guidelines. These are to be drawn at random. The guidelines are used to regulate the uniformity of the letters.
Q23 – What do you mean by single stroke letters?
Ans 23:- Single stroke letters means that the thickness of the line of the letter should be such as is obtained in one stroke of the pencil. Single stroke letters are of two types.
1) Vertical
2) Inclined (75deg. With horizontal)
Q24 – What is the gothic and roman lettering?
Ans24 – Gothic lettering – The lettering in which all the alphabets are of uniform width or thickness is known as gothic lettering. It can be divided into following groups.
(i) Vertical or Upright vertical gothic lettering
(ii) Inclined or Italic gothic lettering
Roman lettering – The lettering in which all the alphabets are composed of thick and thin elements is known as roman lettering and can either be vertical or inclined.
Q25 – What do you mean by freehand lettering?
Ans25 – The art of writing the alphabets without the use of drawing instrument is called freehand lettering. The freehand lettering is of the following types.
(a) Vertical or upright freehand gothic lettering.
(i) Single stroke vertical freehand gothic lettering.
(ii) Lowercase vertical freehand gothic lettering.
(b) Inclined or italic freehand gothic lettering.
(iii) Single stroke italic freehand gothic lettering.
(iv) Lower case italic freehand gothic lettering.
Engineering Drawing Basic – Part 1 | Part 2
| Part 3
| Part 4
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