Forging and Foundry Process | Interview Question and Answers Part 1

Forging and Foundry Process | Interview Question and Answers Part 1

Forging and Foundry Process | Interview , Viva ,Oral Question and Answers

Forging and Foundry process : Part 1Opens in a new tab.  | Part 2Opens in a new tab.  | Part 3Opens in a new tab.  | Part 4 Opens in a new tab.

1. Define Hand Forging.

When the forging process is done by means of hand tools is called as hand forging.

2. Define Power Forging.

When forging is done with the help of power hammers is known as Power forging.

3. Small components are forged by which method?

Hand forging is employed for relatively small components, Machine forging for medium sized and large components are forged by Drop forging method.

4. What are the advantages of forging?

1. It refines the structure of the metal
2. It renders the metal stronger by setting the direction of the grains.
3. It effects considerable saving in time, labour and material.

5. Mention the tool and equipment used in hand forging.

Smith’s forge or hearth, Anvil, Swage block, Hammers, Tongs, Chisels, Punches, Fullers, Flatters,

6. Mention the types of fire prepared in smith’s forge.

1. Open fire
2. Stock fire.

7. What do you mean by Open fire.

Open fire is prepared by covering the previously burnt coal by fresh coal in front of the tuyere. As combustion of fresh coal takes place and fire expands outwards, the coal from top and sides moves towards the centre f the hearth, and more fresh coal is added over the fire after removing the ash and clinkers etc. left behind by the previous fire.

8. What is meant by stock fire.

Is prepared for prolonged heating, for large components.

9. Mention the role of Anvil during forging.

Act as a supporting device for the components for which forging operation is carried out and is capable of withstanding heavy blows rendered to the job.

10. Body of anvil is made of which material?

Body is generally made of cast steel, wrought iron , mild steel provided with a hardened top, about 20 to 25mm thick.

11. What is the use of Horn in Anvil?

Is used in bending the metal or forming curved shapes. The flat step provided, between the top and the horn, is used to support jobs during cutting and is known as chipping block.

12. What are Swage Block?

It carries a number of slots of different shapes and sizes along its four side faces and through holes from its top face to bottom face, which also vary in shapes and sizes.

13. What is the function of Swage Block?

Used as a support in punching holes and forming different shapes. The job to be given a desired shape is kept on the similar shape slot.

14. Swage Block is made from which material?

Usually a block of cast steel or cast iron.

15. What is the function of Hammers?

Hammers are used to give heavy blows to the job or component to be forged.

16. From which material Hammers are made?

Generally Forged Steel.

17. List the classification of hammers.

1.Hand or Smith’s hammers
2.Sledge hammers
3. Power hammers

18. Mention the major parts of a Hammer.

Pein, Eye, Cheeks and face are the major parts of any hammer.

19. Which is called as a Smith’s hammer?

Ball pein hammer or a straight pein sledge type hammer of relatively samall size are called as Smith’s hammer.

20. What is the weight of a Ball Pein hammer?

Its weight normally varies between 1 kg – 1.8kg.

21. What is a Ball Pein hammer?

Is used for all general work and its pein is employed when slight blows at a faster speed are needed such as in fullering a rivet head in a countersunk hole.

22. What are Sledge Hammers?

Are comparatively 3 to 4 times heavier than the hand hammers. They are available in varying sizes and weights from 3 kg – 8 kg.

sledge Hammers
sledge Hammers

23. When we need a Sledge Hammer

When heavy blows are needed in forging and other operations done on heavy jobs.

24. List the classification of Sledge Hammer.

1. Straight pein hammer
2. Cross pein hammer
3. Double faced sledge hammer.

25. What is the function of Tongs?

They are used to hold the jobs in position and turning over during forging.

26. From which material Tongs are made?

They are made of Mild Steel.

27. Mention the size of Tongs used during forging.

Sizes of the tongs vary according o the size and shape of the job to be held, but the commonly used lengths of the tongs in hand forging vary from 40 to 60cm with the jaws opening ranging from 0.6 to 5.5 cm.

28. List the types of Tongs

They are Close flat tong, Side bit tong, Pincer tong, Chisel or belt tong, Round hollow tong, Square hollow tong, Pickup tong.

29. What is the function of Chisels?

Chisels are used to cut metals in hot or cold state. Those which are jused for cutting the metal in hot state are termed as hot chisels. When used for cutting in cold state are known as cold chisels.

30. What is the difference between Hot & Cold chisel?

The main difference between these chisels is in the included angle at the cutting edge.

31. What is the included angle for cold chisel?

A cold chisel carries an included angle of 60 degree at the cutting edge.

32. What is the included angle for Hot chisel?

A hot chisel carries an included angle of 30 degree at the cutting edge

33. Mention the materials from which cold & hot chisels are made?

Cold chisels are made from High carbon steel, where as Hot chisels are made from Medium carbon steel.

34. What are punches?

Punches are tapered tools made in various shapes and sizes. They are used for producing holes in red hot jobs.

35. What is the role of Fullers?

They employed for making necks by reducing the cross-section of a job and also in drawing out.

36. Mention the material of Fullers.

Fullers are made from High carbon steel.

37. What is the function of Flatters?

They are used for leveling and finishing a flat surface after drawing out or any other forging operation.

38. What is the role of Bick Iron in forging?

It is a small facsimile of an anvil & is made of tool steel and hardened.

38. List types of furnaces used in forging.

1.Smith’s forge
2. Closed blacksmith’s hearth
3.Gas fired hearths
4. Gas and oil fired flame furnace.

39. Which is the most widely used furnace for industrial application?

Gas and oil fired flame furnaces are widely used for heating the jobs for hammer forging.

40. What is the advantage of Gas & Oil fired furnace?

They prove quite economical and facilitate better temperature and atmosphere control.

Forging and Foundry process : Part 1Opens in a new tab.  | Part 2Opens in a new tab.  | Part 3Opens in a new tab.  | Part 4 Opens in a new tab.

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Sachin Thorat

Sachin is a B-TECH graduate in Mechanical Engineering from a reputed Engineering college. Currently, he is working in the sheet metal industry as a designer. Additionally, he has interested in Product Design, Animation, and Project design. He also likes to write articles related to the mechanical engineering field and tries to motivate other mechanical engineering students by his innovative project ideas, design, models and videos.

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