Design of SheetMetal Profile gas Cutting machine using scrap

Design of SheetMetal Profile gas Cutting machine using scrap


Global competitions and technological advances are forcing manufacturers, designers and engineers to regularly innovate new product manufacturing techniques in reducing product manufacturing cost and time. Contemporary manufacturers have the option of selecting optimum technologies or processes to suit their manufacturing environment. Profile cutting is a process that is used to cut steel and other metals of different thicknesses (or sometimes other materials) using a torch. In this process, a gas is blown at high speed from a nozzle; at the same time an electrical arc is formed on the surface of metal due to gas from the nozzle to the surface that is to be cut, turning some of that gas to profile. Here design of various components required for gas cutting machine is made & calculations are interpreted in the paper.


An electromagnetic sheet metal profile gas cutting machine is an important instrument in a workshop. Actually many metal cutting operations in workshop needs gas cutting. This machine is aimed to reduce the efforts of workers required for gas cutting operations and also minimize the time required for operation. This project aimed to develop a gas cutting machine for sheet metal profiles in small workshops/industries within a reasonable cost than the machines which are available in the market.


In sheet metal industry, it is required to cut different profiles with desired shapes. Previously this was done manually by the worker which had following drawbacks.

  • The process was time consuming which lead to pending of the work.
  • Due to repetition of the work, the process caused boredom and fatigue to the worker.
  • It was difficult to apply consistent flow of gas torch in cycle manually.
  • Cost of automatic profile cutting machines is more .
  • Machines of this type having heavy weight.

To eliminate above limitation of manual testing it was necessary to develop mechanism.


This project was developed to study about the profile gas cutting machine in smooth cutting using gas cutting process .The main purposes of this project are listed below

  • To study about the influence of profile gas Cutting Parameters on Mild Steel.
  • To study about the best combination of solution using gas cutting, motor and tracer, template, nozzle torch.
  • To reduce time required to generate the profile.
  • To achieve required surface finish.


The main requirement of machine is to use in small scale workshop and for semi-skilled worker. It also helps to reduce risk of injury to worker.

  • This project focuses on the optimization of cutting parameters of profile gas cutting.
  • The material used to cut was mild Steel of specification AISI 1018.


In gas cutting, the metal is first preheated with the oxy fuel flame up to the ignition temperature. When the necessary temperature is obtained, then oxygen is turned on, and the stream of pure oxygen is applied against the heated metal. This ignites the iron or steel and starts the cut. When iron or steel is heated to a temperature of 1600º F, it will burn if brought into contact with oxygen. The fuel flow is controlled by using the torch fuel valve and preheat oxygen flow is governed by the valve on the side of the cutting attachment. The cutting-oxygen jet is controlled by pressure on the lever mounted on top of the attachment. Oxygen to both the preheat oxygen valve and the cutting oxygen lever valve is supplied through the torch oxygen valve which is opened wide during cutting operations.


Profile gas cutting machine is a precision, quality constructed, hard-working gas shape cutter build for high production. Compact and simple operate; this machine excels at repetitive work, flame which is continuously producing accurately cuts the required shape by following a steel template. A powerful magnetic roller smoothly guides the cutting torch around any shape, cutting steel plate up to 4 inches thick. This machine offers all the convenient features of more expensive models with all the dependability and efficiency needed for our applications. The tracing roller is magnetized by a solenoid coil or permanent magnet and driven by an electric motor follow the edge of steel template of virtually any shape guiding the cutting torch to cut the desired profile. S.C.R control ensures Table step less speed variation and smooth running. Thrust ball bearing used on rotating joints provides free and frictionless movement of arms. Efficient design of rack and pinion system ensures smooth and easy movement of cutter. Fig. Shows 2D design of project.

Design of SheetMetal Profile gas Cutting machine using scrap
Design of SheetMetal Profile gas Cutting machine using scrap


Upon development of profile cutting machine work has been carried out on different template shape and material thickness. When the thickness of sheet to be cut is increasing, it’s cutting speed decreases. It is found that thickness of sheet to be cut increases, pressure of oxygen gas increases almost linearly, while the pressure of LPG gas remains the same. It is also found that surface finish of manufactured profile is achieved .


In past decades man is constantly trying to gain more and more comfortness. Man attempt has been made to develop more and more modified technique with increasing the aesthetic and economic concern. Hence there is always more scope towards whatever he might has done and also having the experience of the presently manufactured things. But being the Engineers and having the ability to think and plan. But due to some time limitations, and also due to less funds, we only have put in the report the following future modifications.

  • Thickness increases time required for machining also increases.
  • Surface finish obtained is good.
  • After manufacturing no need of surface finish.
  • Time required is less than manual gas cutting.

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More Resources /articles
Welding projects List - Abstract , Report
Cutting , Hacksaw Machine Projects
Machine Shop Projects List , Abstract
Product Ideas , Innovative Machine Ideas Projects
New Mechanical Projects 2020 ( All Projects Post Index List )


Sachin Thorat

Sachin is a B-TECH graduate in Mechanical Engineering from a reputed Engineering college. Currently, he is working in the sheet metal industry as a designer. Additionally, he has interested in Product Design, Animation, and Project design. He also likes to write articles related to the mechanical engineering field and tries to motivate other mechanical engineering students by his innovative project ideas, design, models and videos.

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