CAD | CAM | CIM | Mechanical Projects List

CAD | CAM | CIM | Mechanical Projects List

  1. Coolant Monitoring System 
  2. PC based Plate Cutting Machine 
  3. Automatic Tool Store 
  4. Programmable Hopper with Computer Control 
  5. Programmable gas cutting machine 
  6. Measurement using Image Processing 
  7. Computer Controlled PCB Drilling Machine 
  8. Programmable Ratio Controller 
  9. Auto LISP Application Development 
  10. Motor Shaft Positioning Indicator 
  11. Programmable Drilling Machine 
  12. Shop Floor Monitoring System 
  13. Machine Monitoring System 
  14. Store Automation with MRP 
  15. CNC Pallet Changer for Drilling Machine 
  16. Computer Controlled Servo Indexing Table 
  17. Auto Shape Finder      
  18. Production line monitoring system 
  19. Quality Inspection Using Image Processing 
  20. Automated Drawing Using C & Auto CAD 
  21. Computer Based Vice 
  22. Computer Based Color Identification System 
•  Analysis of plastic component using Pro-E
•  Parameterization of components using Pro – E
•  Family tables & relation using CATIA
•  Press tool analysis using CATIA
•  Single point cutting tool – IDEA
•  Analysis of connecting rod using ANSYS
•  Design of component and parameterization using Solid Edge
•  Tire design and manufacturing using DELCAM
•  Design of power filter using Pro-E
•  A Cross Flow Wind turbine
•  Harden-ability testing of Carbon Steel
•  Aerofoil Blades propeller
•  Cryogenics
•  Design of high pressure pump using CAD
•  Plant Layout
•  Selective Inventory Control
•  TQM
•  Computer Aided Analysis Of Four Bar Mechanism
•  3D Modeling and Finite Element Analysis of Human Bone using ANSYS
•  3D Modeling and Finite Element Analysis of First Molar Human Tooth using ANSYS

More Resources /articles
CAD / CAM Projects List - Abstract , Report Download
Structural analysis and Design 3d Model Projects
Theoretical Project, Experimental Based projects
Latest seminar topic index - Report ,PPT Download
CAD Software | CAD Tutorials

Sachin Thorat

Sachin is a B-TECH graduate in Mechanical Engineering from a reputed Engineering college. Currently, he is working in the sheet metal industry as a designer. Additionally, he has interested in Product Design, Animation, and Project design. He also likes to write articles related to the mechanical engineering field and tries to motivate other mechanical engineering students by his innovative project ideas, design, models and videos.

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