Project On Fully Automated Fire Fighting Robot



From the recent years, robotics has turned out to be a ingredient over which many people had shown their interest. Robotics has gained popularity due to the advancement of many technologies of computing and nanotechnologies. So, I have decided to design something that can make humans life easier and comfortable. Here my interest of review is to make a fully automated fire fighting robot which can help in dealing with many fire problems in households and small scale industries. Now I am not concentrating on making a firefighting robot that can deal with fire on large scale because I want to proceed by step by step. The need of the hour is to make a device which can detect fire, even if it is small and take the necessary action to put it off. Many household items catch fire when someone is either sleeping or away and that lead to many hazardous conditions if the fire is not putted off in time. So, my work as an electronics and computer engineer is to design and build a system that can automatically detect and extinguish fire. I have used very basic concept here, easy to understand from the prospective of beginners or for the masters of this field.


My research paper is describes the design of a small autonomous Fire Fighting Robot. I have worked on the same project at my college presenting a synopsis showing its basic construction and working. The Fire Fighting Robot is designed to search for a fire in a small floor plan of a house of the specific dimensions, extinguish the fire with the help of the front fan of a toy hovercraft, and then return to the front of the house. This mission is divided into smaller tasks, and each task is implemented in the most efficient manner such as self autonomous start of the robot, navigation of the robot in every room step by step, finds the fire in a specific room, approaches the fire at a very fixed distance, extinguishes it and finally returning to the front of the house. The self start of the robot is governed by a Tone Decoder which detects the tone of frequency up to 3.5 KHz which is emitted by a fire alarm during fire. The navigation of the robot throughout the house is achieved by data provided by a line tracker and ultrasound transducers. Finding the target or fire is achieved by the Flame Sensor which detects the temperature density in various parts of the floor plan. This is accompanied by UVTron flame sensor. The deployment of the extinguishing device is implemented with a fan controlled by servos. The very important and crucial concept of this Fire Fighting Robot is that it navigates and extinguishes the candle by colliding with the wall of the floor plan to a least extent.
Fire Fighting Robot
Fire Fighting Robot


Fire Detector and Extinguisher Robot is operated to detect the fire and also to extinguish it. It can be operated in two modes one is manual mode and other is autonomous mode. Manual mode is operated using  joysticks and for autonomous mode there is no human intervention. In manual mode direction of the robot is controlled using joysticks, even pump is operated manually. In autonomous mode IR sensors are used to detect the fire and robot is coded accordingly to move in the direction of detected fire. In this robot has a switch which is used to switch between manual and autonomous mode. 

The main components are :

• IR sensors
• Joysticks
• Motor drivers
• DC motors
• Pump

IR Sensors:

                   IR Photo Diodes are used as sensors. These sensors  are connected to ADC pins of the microcontroller. IR  Photo diodes are connected in reverse bias to be operated as  photo diodes otherwise they will be operated as normal diodes. The voltage variations of the sensors is given as inputs to the Micro controller and accordingly the robot is operated.


                  The direction of the robot is controlled using joysticks. The terminals of joysticks is connected to ADC pins of micro controller. Joysticks are usually the potentiometer, the potential variations is given as an input to micro controller and robot is operated accordingly.

Motor Drivers:

Motor drivers are used to describe the direction of movement of the robot. It is used to give high voltage and high current as an output to run the motors which are used in the project for the movement of the robot.

DC Motors:

 In this project we use simple DC motor for the rotation of the wheel which are responsible for the movement of the robot. Usually DC motors convert electrical energy into mechanical energy.


Pump is a mechanical device which is used to pump water on to the fire to extinguish it. It uses a simple motor to pump water.


• Can be used in record maintaining rooms where fire can cause lose of valuable data.
• Can be used in Server rooms for immediate action in case of fire
• Can be used in extinguishing fire where probability of explosion is high. For eg. Hotel kitchens, LPG/CNG gas stores, etc.
• Every working environment requiring permanent operator’s attention.  -At power plant control rooms. -At captain bridges. -At flight control centers. 


• Prevention from dangerous incidents 
• Minimization of 
o ecological consequences 
o financial loss               
o a threat to a human life 
• Needs no micro-controller programming. 
• The reconstruction of the curse of operator’s work


• Doesn’t predict nor interfere with operator’s thoughts. 
• Cannot force directly the operator to work

More Resources /articles
Robotic and automation projects List - Abstract , Report
Latest seminar topic index - Report ,PPT Download
New Mechanical Projects 2020 ( All Projects Post Index List )

Sachin Thorat

Sachin is a B-TECH graduate in Mechanical Engineering from a reputed Engineering college. Currently, he is working in the sheet metal industry as a designer. Additionally, he has interested in Product Design, Animation, and Project design. He also likes to write articles related to the mechanical engineering field and tries to motivate other mechanical engineering students by his innovative project ideas, design, models and videos.

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