Modification and Implementation Of Lower Link Bush Press Machine – Mechanical Projects
A Hydraulics bush pressing machine is designed for pressing C.I. bushes into a Lower arm of SUV’s. The machine is symmetrical about a vertical plane; A Hydraulics presses utilizing oil in its operation and gives higher outlet hydraulic pressure 50 to 70 kg. In this project the press is design and manufacture for pressing Bush into the circular casting part. Casting part is thick cylinder and bush is kind of cylindrical part. One actuator is used in the press for vertical pressing. This project includes the concept development, design, analysis and manufacturing of press machine. Various parts of the press are modeled by using Pro-E modeling software. This project focuses on designing of box type cage to be used in the fixture that used to ease of operation on machine of workers. The project idea basically developed from turning tables which are one type of fixture having ability to rotate about its axis and able to fix the component at any angle, so there is no requirement of angle plate and sine plates. which is fixed of .it is not possible to rotate or handle component manually and proceed on them to make this process accident proof and automated for this purpose we are designing a box type cage which rotate 360 degree and allow continue to process on the component.
Read more : HYDRAULIC BEARING PULLER- Mechanical Engineering Project
Objectives of the Project
The general objective of this paper is to design and validate by making fixture for ease of working of workers & improve productivity of existing hydraulic press machine at the case company . Press working techniques utilizing large quantities of economical tooling equipment design and it quickly, accurately and economically cold working of mild steel and other ductile materials. The component produced range over an extremely wide field and is used throughout industry for economical production of quantities of pressing; consideration has to be given to the rate of production, the cost of the press tool to be employed. Press may be defined as the chip less manufacturing process by which various `components are made from sheet. It uses large force by press tools far short time interval which results in cutting a shaping the sheet metal.
Poka-yoke is a quality improvement concept, coined by Shigeo Shingo in Japan during the 1960s who was one of the Industrial Engineers at Toyota. The initial term was Poka-yoke, which means fool proofing. Poka-yoke helps people and processes work right the first time. Poka-yoke refers to techniques that make it impossible to make mistakes. These techniques can drive defects out of products and processes and substantially improve quality and reliability. The use of simple Poka-yoke ideas and methods in product and process design can eliminate both human and mechanical errors. Thus, Poka Yoke is central to the concept of Lean thinking, which aims to reduce waste and make sure that everything and every process is as efficient as possible. The concept of stopping defects or mistakes from happening is central to Poka Yoke thinking. It is not about rectifying mistakes or defects; it is about ensuring that they simply do not happen. The Poka-Yoke entrance is promoted in the manufacturing industry as a way of improving productivity by reducing errors using often very simple modification. This research gives that, as Poka-Yoke are designed to make process mistake proof quality control.

1. This project will helps to reduce the problems creating while working on machine
2. It helps to keep safe operation of the worker while working.
3. It helps to increase the productivity of the machine.
4. It will helps keep in safe side to making more cars & reduce the waiting of peoples for getting car.
5. It helps to maximize the profit of the company with respet ro order completion.
Our methodology of project is
1. Existing condition
2. Possible solution
3. Analysis
3.1 Take all dimensions of working space.
3.2 Simulate it into modeling software.
3.3 Model it into modeling software.
4. Implementation
5. Result
The manufacturing of fixture will reduce the human effort of loading and unloading the work piece on the machine. The new designed fixture will help to reduce the working time on machine for one job, also it reduces unnecessary skill labour requirement. The cost of new fixture is low. The rate of production using new fixture is high compare to existing production rate.
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