Helicopter : Components , Flying and Controlling Principle

Helicopter : Components , Flying and Controlling Principle

A helicopter is a type of aircraft that uses rotating, or spinning, wings called blades to fly. Unlike an airplane or glider, a helicopter has wings that move. Unlike a balloon, a helicopter is heavier than air and uses an engine to fly. A helicopter’s rotating blades, or a rotor, allow it to do things an airplane cannot.

In order to fly, an object must have “lift,” a force moving it upward. Lift is usually made by wings. Wings create lift because of a relationship called the Bernoulli Principle. The Bernoulli Principle describes how the speed of air and the pressure in the air are related. When the speed goes up, the pressure goes down and the opposite is also true.
Wings are curved on top and flatter on the bottom. This shape is called an airfoil. That shape makes air flow over the top faster than under the bottom. As a result, there is less air pressure on top of the wing; this causes suction and makes the wing move up. A helicopter’s rotor blades are wings and create lift. An airplane must fly fast to move enough air over its wings to provide lift. A helicopter moves air over its rotor by spinning its blades.

helicopter components
helicopter components


Most helicopters the engine turns a shaft that connects to an input quill on the transmission; the main rotor mast comes straight out of the top of the transmission and the tail rotor driveshaft connects to an output quill 90 degrees out from the mast.

• Spinning the rotor which has an aero foil section causes lift, allowing the helicopter to rise vertically or hover.

• Tilting the spinning rotor will cause flight in the direction of the tilt.

There are many terms associated with rotary wing flight and it is important for a student to become familiar with them to understand the mechanics of rotary wing flight.


1. Main rotor blade – 

The main rotor blade performs the same function as an airplane’s wings, providing lift as the blades rotate — lift being one of the critical aerodynamic forces that keeps aircraft aloft. A pilot can affect lift by changing the rotor’s revolutions per minute (rpm) or its angle of attack, which refers to the angle of the rotary wing in relation to the oncoming wind.

2. Stabilizer – 

The stabilizer bar sits above and across the main rotor blade. Its weight and rotation dampen unwanted vibrations in the main rotor, helping to stabilize the craft in all flight conditions. Arthur Young, the gent who designed the Bell 47 helicopter, is credited with inventing the stabilizer bar.

3. Rotor mast – 

Also known as the rotor shaft, the mast connects the transmission to the rotor assembly. The mast rotates the upper swash plate and the blades.

4. Transmission – 

Just as it does in a motor vehicle, a helicopter’s transmission transmits power from the engine to the main and tail rotors. The transmission’s main gearbox steps down the speed of the main rotor so it doesn’t rotate as rapidly as the engine shaft. A second gearbox does the same for the tail rotor, although the tail rotor, being much smaller, can rotate faster than the main rotor.

5. Engine – 

The engine generates power for the aircraft. Early helicopters relied on reciprocating gasoline engines, but modern helicopters use gas turbine engines like those found in commercial airliners.


1. Root: The inner end of the blade where the rotors connect to the blade grips.

2. Blade Grips: Large attaching points where the rotor blade connects to the hub.

3. Hub: Sits atop the mast, and connects the rotor blades to the control tubes.

4. Mast: Rotating shaft from the transmission, which connects the rotor blades to the helicopter.

5. Control Tubes: Push \ Pull tubes that change the pitch of the rotor blades.

6. Pitch Change Horn: The armature that converts control tube movement to blade pitch.

7. Pitch: Increased or decreased angle of the rotor blades to raise, lower, or change the direction of the rotors thrust force.

8. Jesus Nut: Is the singular nut that holds the hub onto the mast. (If it fails, the next person you


The swash plate assembly has two primary roles:

1. Under the direction of the collective control, the swash plate assembly can change the angle of both blades simultaneously. Doing this increases or decreases the lift that the main rotor supplies to the vehicle, allowing the helicopter to gain or lose altitude.

2. Under the direction of the cyclic control, the swash plate assembly can change the angle of the blades individually as they revolve. This allows the helicopter to move in any direction around a 360-degree circle, including forward, backward, left and right.

The swash plate assembly consists of two plates – 
1. the fixed and 
2. the rotating swash plates

* The rotating swash plate rotates with the drive shaft (green) and the rotor’s blades (grey) because of the links (purple) that connect the rotating plate to the drive shaft.
* The pitch control rods (orange) allow the rotating swash plate to change the pitch of the rotor blades.
* The angle of the fixed swash plate is changed by the control rods (yellow) attached to the fixed swash plate.
* The fixed plate’s control rods are affected by the pilot’s input to the cyclic and collective controls.
* The fixed and rotating swash plates are connected with a set of bearings between the two plates. These bearings allow the rotating swash plate to spin on top of the fixed swash plate.


Helicopters require a completely different method of control than airplanes and are much harder to master. Flying a helicopter requires constant concentration by the pilot and a near-continuous flow of minute control corrections.
A conventional helicopter has its main rotor above the fuselage, just aft of the cockpit area, consisting of 2 or more rotor blades extending out from a central rotor head, or hub, assembly.

A primary component is the swashplate located at the base of the rotor head. This swashplate consists of one non-revolving disc and one revolving disc mounted directly on top. The swashplate is connected to the cockpit control stick and lever and can be made to tilt in any direction, according to the cyclic stick movement made by the pilot, or moved up and down according to the collective lever movement.

But first, to explain how the main rotor blades are moved by the pilot to control the helicopter, we need to understand pitch angle…

1. Rotor blade pitch angle.

Each rotor blade has an airfoil profile just like that of an airplane wing, and as the blades rotate through the air they generate lift in exactly the same way as an airplane wing does.

The amount of lift generated is determined by the pitch angle (and speed) of each rotor blade as it moves through the air. Pitch angle is known as the Angle of Attack when the rotors are in motion.

This pitch angle of the blades is controlled in two ways – collectively and cyclically.

2. Collective pitch control.

The collective control is made by moving a lever that rises up from the cockpit floor to the left of the pilot’s seat, which in turn raises or lowers the swashplate on the main rotor shaft, without tilting it.

This lever only moves up and down and corresponds directly to the desired movement of the helicopter; lifting the lever will result in the helicopter rising while lowering it will cause the helicopter to sink. At the end of the collective lever is the throttle control, explained further down the page.

As the swashplate rises or falls in response to the collective lever movement made by the pilot, so it changes the pitch of all rotor blades at the same time and to the same degree. Because all blades are changing pitch together, or ‘collectively’, the change in lift remains constant throughout every full rotation of the blades. Therefore, there is no tendency for the helicopter to change its existing direction other than straight up or down.

The illustrations below show the effect of raising the collective lever on the swashplate and rotor blades. The connecting rods run from the swashplate to the leading edge of the rotor blades; as the plate rises or falls, so all blades are tilted exactly the same way and amount. 
Of course, real rotor head systems are far more complicated than this picture shows, but the basics are the same.

3. Cyclic pitch control.

The cyclic control is made by moving the control stick that rises up from the cockpit floor between the pilot’s legs, and can be moved in all directions other than up and down.
Like the collective control, these cyclic stick movements correspond to the directional movement of the helicopter; moving the cyclic stick forward makes the helicopter fly forwards while bringing the stick back slows the helicopter and even makes it fly backwards. Moving the stick to the left or right makes the helicopter roll in these directions.

The cyclic control works by tilting the swashplate and increasing the pitch angle of a rotor blade at a given point in the rotation, while decreasing the angle when the blade has moved through 180 degrees around the rotor disc.
As the pitch angle changes, so the lift generated by each blade changes and as a result the helicopter becomes ‘unbalanced’ and so tips towards whichever side is experiencing the lesser amount of lift.

The illustrations below show the effect of this cyclic control on the swashplate and rotor blades. As the swashplate is tilted, the opposing rods move in opposite directions. The position of the rods – and hence the pitch of the individual blades – is different at any given point of rotation, thus generating different amounts of lift around the rotor disc.

To understand cyclic control another way is to picture the aforementioned rotor disc, which is the imaginary circle above the helicopter created by the spinning blade tips, and to imagine a dinner plate sat flat on top of the cyclic stick. As the stick is leaned over in any direction, so the angle of the plate changes very slightly. This change of angle corresponds directly to what is happening to the rotor disc at the same time i.e. the side of the plate that is higher represents the side of the rotor disc generating more lift.

4. Rotational (yaw) control.

At the very rear of the helicopter’s tail boom is the tail rotor – a vertically mounted rotor consisting of two or more blades, similar to an airplane propeller. This tail rotor is used to control the yaw, or rotation, of the helicopter (i.e. which way the nose is pointing) and to explain this we first need to understand torque.

Torque is a natural force caused by any turning object and in a helicopter it is caused by the engine turning the main rotor blades; when the blades are spinning then the natural reaction to that is for the fuselage of the helicopter to start spinning in the opposite direction to the rotors. If this torque isn’t controlled, the helicopter would just spin round wildly out of control.

So to beat the reaction of the torque, the tail rotor is used and is connected by gears and a shaft to the main rotor so that it turns whenever the main rotor is spinning.
As the tail rotor spins it generates thrust in exactly the same way as an airplane propeller does, the difference being that the helicopter tail rotor thrust is perpendicular to the fuselage. This sideways push of air prevents the helicopter fuselage from trying to spin against the main rotor, and the pitch angle of the tail rotor blades can be changed by the pilot to control the amount of thrust produced.

Increasing the pitch angle of the tail rotor blades will increase the sideways thrust, which in turn will push the helicopter round in the same direction as the main rotor blades. Decreasing the pitch angle decreases the amount of sideways thrust and so the natural torque takes over, letting the helicopter rotate in the opposite direction to the main rotors. 
The pilot controls the pitch angle of the tail rotor blades by two pedals at his feet, in exactly the same way as rudder movement is controlled in an airplane.

NOTAR (NO TAil Rotor) is an alternative method of yaw control on some helicopters.
Instead of a tail rotor to generate sideways thrust, low pressure air (created by a large fan in front of the tail boom) is expelled from narrow slots at the rear (side) of the boom. The slots are opened and closed by the pilot’s pedals in the same way as tail rotor pitch is controlled.

The amount of air expelled effects the air pressure around the tail boom and the boom is ‘pulled or pushed’ one direction or the other, in response to the varying pressure and the natural torque being generated by the spinning main rotors. A natural effect (known as the Coanda Effect) involving air movement in relation to solid objects helps make the sideways movement of the tail boom happen.

NOTAR helicopters respond to yaw control in exactly the same way as tail rotor helicopters do and have a big safety advantage – tail rotors can be very hazardous while operating on or close to the ground, and in flight a failing tail rotor can easily result in a crash. In addition to that, NOTAR helis have a quieter operating noise level.

5. Throttle control.

The throttle control is typically a ‘twist-grip’ on the end of the collective lever and is linked directly to the movement of the lever so that engine RPM is always correct at any given collective pitch setting. Because the cyclic and collective pitch control determines the movement of the helicopter, the engine RPM does not need to be adjusted like an airplane engine does. So during normal flying constant engine speed (RPM) is maintained and the pilot only needs to ‘fine tune’ the throttle settings when necessary.

There is, however, a direct correlation between engine power and yaw control in a helicopter – faster spinning main rotor blades generate more torque, so greater pitch is needed in the tail rotor blades to generate more thrust.

It’s worth noting that each separate control of a helicopter is easy to understand and operate; the difficulty comes in using all controls together, where the co-ordination has to be perfect! Moving one control drastically effects the other controls and so they too have to be moved to compensate.

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Sachin Thorat

Sachin is a B-TECH graduate in Mechanical Engineering from a reputed Engineering college. Currently, he is working in the sheet metal industry as a designer. Additionally, he has interested in Product Design, Animation, and Project design. He also likes to write articles related to the mechanical engineering field and tries to motivate other mechanical engineering students by his innovative project ideas, design, models and videos.

One thought on “Helicopter : Components , Flying and Controlling Principle

  1. I was surprised when you said that helicopter flight is harder to master than airplane flight because small corrections to the controls are required almost constantly. I’ve heard the process of landing is complicated for airplanes, so I imagine even more controls and precision would be required when landing a helicopter. It must be important to use a well-made support stand for the helicopter to avoid potential damage to the landing systems when it’s on the ground.

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