Design and Fabrication of Shaft Driven Bicycle report Download – Mechanical project

Design and Fabrication of Shaft Driven Bicycle report Download – Mechanical project


In this project we design a new innovation of power transmission from pedal to wheel by means of bevel gear in bicycle. The model consists of a bevel gears, rotating shaft arrangement, and bearings. A shaft-driven bicycle is a chainless bicycle that uses a driveshaft instead of a chain to transmit power from the pedals to the wheel. Our model consists of a bevel gear arrangement in it. The whole bicycle is driven by the shaft. A bevel gear arrangement is provided at the rear end of the bike and also with the pedal arrangement. When the pedal is rotated the shaft also rotates according to the speed of the pedal. The bevel gear is arranged such that the power can be transmitted from the pedal to the rear wheel easily. The bevel gear is used for 90 degree power transmission. The bearing blocks are used as the support for the rotating shaft. The front bevel gear arrangement has free wheel arrangement hence when the pedal is stopped the wheel rotates with help of the free wheel.

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Design and Fabrication of Shaft Drive for Bicycle | Mini Diploma project



Aim of our Project is to make new kind of transmission system for bicycle for getting high reliability system, and more safe system. A drive shaft, driveshaft, driving shaft, propeller shaft, or Cardan shaft is a mechanical component for transmitting torque and rotation, usually used to connect other components of a drive train that cannot be connected directly because of distance or the need to allow for relative movement between them. Drive shafts are carriers of torque: they are subject to torsion and shear stress, equivalent to the difference between the input torque and the load. They must therefore be strong enough to bear the stress, whilst avoiding too much additional weight as that would in turn increase their inertia. Drive shafts frequently incorporate one or more universal joints or jaw couplings, and sometimes a splined joint or prismatic joint to allow for variations in the alignment and distance between the driving and driven components.

 The drive shaft has served as an alternative to a chain-drive in bicycles for the past century, although never becoming very popular. A shaftdriven bicycle is described as an “Acatane”, from one of their early makers. When used on a bicycle, a drive shaft has several advantages and disadvantages: With a chain drive transmission, a chainring attached to a crank drives the chain, which in turn rotates the rear wheel via the rear sprocket(s) (cassette or freewheel).

design and Fabrication of chainless bicycle mechanical project
design and Fabrication of chainless bicycle mechanical project

 There are four gearing options: two-speed hub gear integrated with chain ring, up to 3 chain rings, up to 11 sprockets, hub gear built in to rear wheel (3-speed to 14-speed). The most common options are either a rear hub or multiple chain rings combined with multiple sprockets (other combinations of options are possible but less common).With a shaft drive transmission, a gear set at the bottom bracket turns the shaft, which then turns the rear wheel via a gear set connected to the wheel’s hub. There is some small loss of efficiency due to the two gear sets needed. The only gearing option with a shaft drive is to use a hub gear.


  • Drive system is less likely to become jammed, a common problem with chain-driven bicycles
  • The rider cannot become dirtied from chain grease or injured by the chain from “Chain bite”, which occurs when clothing or even a body part catches between the chain and a sprocket
  • Lower maintenance than a chain system when the drive shaft is enclosed in a tube
  • More consistent performance. Dynamic Bicycles claims that a drive shaft bicycle can deliver 94% efficiency, whereas a chain-driven bike can deliver anywhere from 75- 97% efficiency based on condition
  • Greater clearance: with the absence of a derailleur or other low-hanging machinery, the bicycle has nearly twice the ground clearance.


  •  A drive shaft system weighs more than a chain system, usually 1-2 pounds heavier
  • Many of the advantages claimed by drive shaft’s proponents can be achieved on a chain-driven bicycle, such as covering the chain and gears with a metal or plastic cover
  • Use of lightweight derailleur gears with a high number of ratios is impossible, although hub gears can be used
  • Wheel removal can be complicated in some designs (as it is for some chain-driven bicycles with hub gears)

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Design and Fabrication of Shaft Driven Bicycle report Download – Mechanical project

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Sachin Thorat

Sachin is a B-TECH graduate in Mechanical Engineering from a reputed Engineering college. Currently, he is working in the sheet metal industry as a designer. Additionally, he has interested in Product Design, Animation, and Project design. He also likes to write articles related to the mechanical engineering field and tries to motivate other mechanical engineering students by his innovative project ideas, design, models and videos.

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