What is Hypermesh Analysis Software used For Finite Element Analysis

What is Hypermesh Analysis Software used For Finite Element Analysis

What is Hypermesh :

Hypermesh is a CAE software which comes in after a model has been developed in any CAD software. One should know it is an integral part of PLM (Product life cycle management) where the focus is to prepare the model to see how should it behave in a real life environment or simulation in other words. Now cae software’s are three types mainly preprocessing, solving, postprocessing. Hypermesh is a preprocessing software where you divide the model into no. Of elements and nodes for a solver to apply the mathematical functions on it. If you read FEM OR FEA you would know the underlying theory behind the practice. Preproceesing is generally used to ‘mesh’ the model. See the image below an example of a gear being meshed. The green coloured elements are the region where contact has been defined which means it is in contact with other components for a solver to know about the simulation

HyperMesh is a solver neutral environment with the broadest set of direct interfaces to commercial CAD and CAE systems and a rich suite of easy-to-use tools to build and edit CAE models. The advanced geometry and meshing capabilities provide an environment for rapid model generation. The ability to generate high quality mesh quickly is one of HyperMesh’s core competencies. With automatic and semi-automatic shell, tetra, and hexa meshing capabilities, HyperMesh simplifies the modeling process of complex geometries.

HyperMesh has advanced model assembly tools capable of supporting complex sub-system generation and assembly, in addition, modeling of laminate composites is supported by advanced creation, editing and visualization tools. Design change is made possible via mesh morphing and geometry dimensioning. A flexible set of morphing tools allows users to modify mesh without re-meshing to automate the investigation new design proposals.

It also has an extensive API which allows for advanced levels customization.

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  • A Powerful FEA Modeling Solution for the Enterprise
  • High-speed and High-quality Meshing
  • Increased End-user Efficiency with Automated Model Assembly and Batch Meshing
  • Interactive Feature and Volume-based Morphing for Geometric Shape Changes and Design Variable Definition
  • Close the Loop Between CAD and FEA


  1. Best In Class Meshing
  2. High Fidelity Meshing
  3. meshing,Solid map hexa meshing,Tetra meshing,CFD meshing,SPH meshing
  4. Mesh Morphing
  5. Batch Meshing
  6. CAD Interoperability
  7. Connectors
  8. Composites
  9. CAE Solver Interfacing
  10. Customize HyperMesh to Fit Your Environment
  11. HyperMesh is used by thousands of customers worldwide to generate and manage their models, it supports a wide variety of CAD and solver interfaces, making it a perfect solution for a majority of verticals and domains.

HyperMesh Which is used for Following reasons.

  • Geometry defeature, Geometry Editing
  • Control the Quality and Flow of the Mesh (Main Reason)
  • Supports Wide range of Processing Software’s or Solver like Abaqus, Ansys, Nastran, LSdyna, CFD…etc (you re-use the same mesh with different) ..Etc


“Pre-processing which is Normally called as Finite element modelling, which is the the physical problem which is will be Modeled to Solve using Finite Element Method.”

Pre Processing includes the following steps:

  • Model Designing
  • Discretization or Meshing
  • Selection of elements
  • Geometrical properties (For 1-D, 2-d)
  • Material selection
  • Constrains or Boundary conditions
  • Loads
  • Selecting Type of analysis

Sachin Thorat

Sachin is a B-TECH graduate in Mechanical Engineering from a reputed Engineering college. Currently, he is working in the sheet metal industry as a designer. Additionally, he has interested in Product Design, Animation, and Project design. He also likes to write articles related to the mechanical engineering field and tries to motivate other mechanical engineering students by his innovative project ideas, design, models and videos.

2 thoughts on “What is Hypermesh Analysis Software used For Finite Element Analysis

  1. Sir we need more amazing contents and informations regarding to Hypermesh and finite element analysis.
    Thank you for your Efforts.

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