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Steering Controlled Adaptive Headlights with Sensor Report Download
Now a days, in hilly areas, due to improper facility in the roads, no of accidents takes place.Most of accidents takes place in the night time. The reason in this type of accident is that the driver is not able to see the road path during the turning condition where the street facility is not available.
So the present invention relates to headlights of an automobile, more particularly to a direction turning device for headlights of an automobile which enables to turn direction synchronously with the rotation of the steering and hence increasing the safety for driving at night or in the darkness.
In this project we have implemented the same needs such i.e the rotation of the head lights with respective to the rotation of steering using rack and pinion
mechanism. headlights can also be moved in up and down direction with the effective use of sensor called accelerometer which is controlled by a micro controller. In other word up and down movement takes place depending upon the orientation of vehicle which helps the driver to drive in slope areas. This type of technology can be implemented in normal vehicles as a very simple mechanism is used i.e rack and pinion. It will be very cost effective because of it!s simpler design and very simple principle.
- Four plastic wheels
- Headlights
- Stepper motor
- Rack
- Pinion
- Mild steel materials(for linkages)
- Microcontroller -AT89C51
- Printed circuit board (PCB)
- Accelerometer
- Battery(Power supplies)/Adapter
- ADC(Anologue to digital converter)
- L298 stepper motor controller
Stepper motor
Electric motors are broadly classified into two different categories: DC (Direct Current) and AC (Alternating Current). Within these categories are numerous types, each offering unique abilities that suit them well for specific applications. In most cases, regardless of type, electric motors consist of a stator (stationary field) and rotor (the rotating field or armature) and operate through the interaction of magnetic flux and electric current to produce rotational speed and torque. DC motors are distinguished by their ability to operate from direct current. There are different kinds of D.C. motors, but they all work on the same principles. In this chapter, we will study their basic principle of operation and their characteristics. It’s important to understand motor characteristics so we can choose the right one for our application requirement.
It is a device used to measure the orientation of the vehicle as vehicle move upwards or downwards. Depending upon the orientation it gives a analogue value to the microcontroller using ADC (analogue to digital converter) and then microcontroller decides the movement of headlight as per the program.
For example:-
If a vehicle moves towards up, then the analogue value in the accelerometer varies and the value goes down. As it moves down ,it gives a signal to microcontroller with the effective use of ADC and makes headlight to move down If a vehicle moves towards down, then the analogue value in the accelerometer varies and the value goes up. As it moves up ,it gives a signal to microcontroller with the effective use of ADC and makes headlight to move up.
Steering Controlled Adaptive Headlights with Sensor Report PDF Download
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