Multipurpose coconut, mango, sugar cane bud cracker machine

Multipurpose coconut, mango, sugar cane bud cracker machine

  • In this project we are performing the multipurpose operations like coconut, mango and sugar cane bud cracker machine.
  • In this project we are fabricate the hand operated multipurpose operations like coconut, mango and sugar cane bud cracker machine. This equipment needs no electrical power to operate, just using the manual power to handle. This project reduces the cost involved in concern and also avoids the electrical power usage. This project is very useful for small scale industries and domestic purpose.
  • Now the project mainly concentrates on designing a suitable operating system. To maintain simplicity and economy in the design the locally fabricated unit has been used.
  • Our project achieves higher safety, reduces human effort, increases the efficiency, reduces the work load, reduces the fatigue of workers and reduces maintenance cost.
Objective of the project
  1. To understand the basic principal of the our project
  2. Describe the construction and working of various parts of our project
  3. Development of the working model of the our project
Main parts used in project
  1. Mango cracker Die
  2. Coconut Cracker Die
  3. Sugar Cane bud Cutting Die
  4. Handle 
  5. Supporting Structure
  6. Holding Chuck
Block diagram of projects:

Multipurpose coconut, mango, sugar cane bud cracker machine
Multipurpose coconut, mango, sugar cane bud cracker machine

Working of the project 
The base contains the all parts of this equipment. The supporting arm is fixed on the base, in the supporting arm pivot; handle and moving arrangements are fixed. The end of the moving arrangement the die is fixed. The coconut, mango and sugar cane bud are fixed below the male die in the base. We material placed below male die and then press the handle. The handle comes down then the pivot is pressing the moving arrangement, then the moving arrangement with male die comes down. During this movement the male coconut, mango and sugar cane bud crack at a required shape for our need.. This equipment is easily operated able to less skilled labors also. So this equipment is suitable for small scale industries and domestic purpose.
  1. No conventional grid electricity required
  2. Long operating life
  3. Highly reliable and durable
  4. Easy to operate and maintain
  5. Eco-friendly
  6. No fuel cost
  1. High installation cost
  2. Depending upon availability.

Sachin Thorat

Sachin is a B-TECH graduate in Mechanical Engineering from a reputed Engineering college. Currently, he is working in the sheet metal industry as a designer. Additionally, he has interested in Product Design, Animation, and Project design. He also likes to write articles related to the mechanical engineering field and tries to motivate other mechanical engineering students by his innovative project ideas, design, models and videos.

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