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Henri Fayol 14 Principles of Management
Henri Fayol was a French mining engineer who developed 14 principles of management. He is considered to be one of the most important contributors to the theory of management.
Principles of Management:
The 14 principles of management developed by Henri Fayol are listed and explained below:
- Division of work
- Authority and responsibility
- Discipline
- Unity of command
- Unity of direction
- Subordination of individual interests to general interest
- Remuneration of personnel
- Centralization
- Scalar Chain
- Order
- Equity
- Stability of personnel
- Initiative
- Esprit de corps
1. Authority:
Authority is necessary to get work done from others. Position, designation, seniority defines authority. It is reflected as a power in managing the work. If authority is used in good sense and in a positive manner the system works smoothly.
2. Responsibility:
if there is authority, the same weightage of responsibility automatically comes with it. There is nobody with only authority and no responsibility.
3. Discipline:
Any organization needs discipline for its smooth functioning. Discipline of time, behavior, work quality, obedience, etc are important in any management. Following rules and regulations, being honest, trustworthy, and following protocols of the system are expected as discipline requirements.
4. Centralization:
When many functions are controlled by a central authority, it is called as centralization. Unity in the organization, importance of discipline, status in the external market, brand development, etc are the advantages in centralization function.
5. Decentralization:
Control from the different position is called as decentralization. So instead of one, there are many centers of power. This increases the effectiveness of work. Every subsystem cannot run properly all the time with common rules. There should be different treatment or control as per requirements.
6. Division of work:
It is also called a delegation of work. When work is complicated, huge, and difficult, it must be divided among the different teams. Due to the division of work, people get less variation in work. Skilled people make effective concentration on their allotted work.
7. Initiative:
To start with enthusiasm is called as ‘initiative’. Difficult things are not possible if there is no initiative from anybody. For getting success in difficult or complicated work, someone should start at the initial level. A good manager is always enthusiastic to initiate things whenever there is a difficult situation in front of the organization.
8. Remuneration:
people must be satisfied by paying them satisfactorily. Many people work for better remuneration. Few work for mental, psychological, and work-related satisfaction. But it is the need that all of them must be paid as per their inputs. Qualification, designation, responsibility, dedication, experience should be counted while giving remuneration.
9. Teamwork:
Good teamwork is always better than the best individual performance. Organization is busy in many kinds of work. Completion of these works in time, with quality and with minimum wastages is the expectations from the employees. A single individual has limitations on many fronts. But if many individuals with different skills come together, co-ordinate each other effectively, then great achievements are possible through this teamwork.
10. Unity of direction:
In giving direction to the subordinates, there must be a uniqueness of direction. There should not be any confusion due to different directions every time.
11. Unity of command:
It may be called as “one man-one boss”. But when higher authorities are more than one, then there is a possibility of different guidelines to the subordinates. This may create misunderstanding and fiasco at work.
12. Stability:
Management must provide stability of tenure to employees. This creates secure feelings among them which allows them to work with more concentration.
13. Equity:
Management should not forget equity and humanity. Partialism, variation in treatments among the employees of the same organization creates disintegration and segmentation in them. Now-a-days, many organizations have maintained an equity in canteen facilities, uniform dress codes, pickup facilities, medical facilities, etc. for all the employees without any differentiation.
14. Scalar chain:
Fayol thinks of the scalar chain as a line of authority. It is a chain as a line of authority. It is a chain of superiors from the highest to the lowest ranks. This chain should be short-circuited.
15. Esprit de corps:
It is related to teamwork. Also, importance is given to communication in teamwork.
16. Subordination of individual interest to general interest: Interest of group is more important than that of an individual person. If there is a conflict concerning interest, the team’s interest is given priority.
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