Types of Flows in a Pipe /Fluid Mechanics

Types of Flows in a Pipe /Fluid Mechanics -Basic Of Fluid Mechanics 

Types of Flows in a Pipe – The type of flow of a liquid depends upon the manner in which the particles unite and move. Though there are many types of flows, yet the following are important :
1. Uniform flow: A flow, in which the liquid particles at all sections of a pipe or channel have  the same velocities, is called a uniform flow.
2. Non-uniform flow: A flow, in which the liquid particles at different sections of a pipe or channel have different velocities, is called a non-uniform flow.

Types Of Flows -Laminar and Turbulence Flow  
Types Of Flows -Laminar and Turbulence Flow  

3. Streamline flow (Laminar Flow) : A flow, in which each liquid particle has a definite path and the paths of individual particles do not cross each other, is called a streamline flow.

4. Turbulent flow: A flow, in which each liquid particle does not have a definite path and the paths of individual particles also cross each other, is called a turbulent flow.
5. Steady flow: A flow, in which the quantity of liquid flowing per second is constant, is called a steady flow. A steady flow may be uniform or non – uniform.
6. Unsteady flow: A flow, in which the quantity of liquid flowing per second is not constant, is called an unsteady flow.
7. Compressible flow: A flow, in which the volume of a fluid and its density changes during the flow, is called a compressible flow. All the gases are considered to have compressible flow.
8. In-compressible flow: A flow, in which the volume of a fluid and its density does not change during the flow, is called an incompressible flow. All the liquids are considered to have incompressible flow.
9. Rotational flow: A flow, in which the fluid particles also rotate (i.e. have some angular velocity) about their own axes while flowing, is called a rotational flow.
10. Irrotational flow: A flow, in which the fluid particles do not rotate about their own axes and retain their original orientations, is called an irrotational flow.
11. One-dimensional flow: A flow, in which the streamlines of its moving particles are represented by straight line, is called an one-dimensional flow.
12. Two-dimensional flow: A flow, whose streamlines of its moving particles are represented by a curve, is called a two-dimensional flow.
13. Three – dimensional flow: A flow, whose streamlines are represented in space i.e. along the three mutually perpendicular directions, is called a three – dimensional flow.

Sachin Thorat

Sachin is a B-TECH graduate in Mechanical Engineering from a reputed Engineering college. Currently, he is working in the sheet metal industry as a designer. Additionally, he has interested in Product Design, Animation, and Project design. He also likes to write articles related to the mechanical engineering field and tries to motivate other mechanical engineering students by his innovative project ideas, design, models and videos.

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