Training and Development – Needs , Benefits , Differences
Training is the process of improving the attitudes, skills, performance and knowledge of the employees to make them enable for the job. Training is imparted in technical and mechanical process, and it is usually needed for the current requirements of the job.
Training and development is vital part of the human resource development. It is assuming ever important role in wake of the advancement of technology which has resulted in ever increasing competition, rise in customer’s expectation of quality and service and a subsequent need to lower costs. It is also become more important globally in order to prepare workers for new jobs. In the current write up, we will focus more on the emerging need of training and development, its implications upon individuals and the employers.
Need/Benefits of Training
It has already been mentioned that training is, primarily, meant for the rank and file or workers and clerical personnel. The need of their training is beneficial to the organisation and the employees in the following ways:
Benefits to the Organisation
Training is beneficial to the organisation also in the following ways:
1. Organisational stability and Flexibility.
Another important purpose of training is to make the organisations more stable and flexible. “Stability” writes FLIPPO “is the ability of an organisation to sustain its effectiveness, despite the loss of key personnel. This can be developed only through creation of a reservoir of trained replacements. Flexibility, the ability to adjust to short-run variations in the volume of work, requires personnel with multiple skills to enable their transfer to jobs where the demand is the highest. There is no greater organisational asset than if trained and motivated personnel.
2. Adopting Modern Technology.
Need of training is also felt due to the fact that training is to replace the conventional methods of performance with modern technological developments that are taking place in areas of operation. This brings about an improvement in the work styles, resulting in improvement of quality, quantity of production in the workers’ congenial working conditions.
3. Better Quality and Productivity.
Trained personnel produce more and better products. Thus results in increased sales and more profits.
4. Enhances Goodwill.
The organisations that organizes training programmers for their employees are considered as good in the business world. Only good enterprises show the concern for the development of their employees.
5. Timeliness.
The trained persons save a goods amount of time on many fronts. They take less time in production; provides quick guidance to the customers; and do not taken much time in the maintenance of goods and machines.
Difference Between training and Development :

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