Introduction Of Cocubes.Com and Placement Papers

Introduction Of Cocubes.Com and Placement Papers

About CoCubes:

Introduction Of Cocubes.Com and Placement Papers
Introduction Of Cocubes.Com and Placement Papers is India’s largest assessment and campus hiring platform. We work with 450+ corporate across fresher’s and lateral’s, 2600+ colleges, and 1 million+ students through our platform running > 500,000 assessments each year in 250+ cities. Thus everyday helping our corporate get greater control and transparency, helping our institutional clients measure and improve employability and helping students move ahead on their career path. Our vision is to ensure that everyone in the country gets an equal opportunity to build a career. We are the visionaries of this space with a strong growth trajectory and an exciting firm to be with!

 CoCubes is a venture funded firm based out of Gurgaon. The word CoCubes derives its origin from the first two alphabets of the three words, connecting . colleges . companies. And they are working relentlessly to bring online the 17000+ colleges of India at one single place for campus recruitment and engagement. Their vision is to ensure that each student in every corner of India gets equal opportunity and they believe this is only possible by taking him online and creating a community of authenticated usersCoCubes helps companies reduce cost, increase reach and student engagement. They help colleges in Tier II cities differentiate themselves, get online and be visible to companies, thus increasing placements. At the same time their portal help premier colleges save 1000’s of hours of TPO and student time by streamlining internal communication by providing them with mailing, calendar and SMS utilities. Students of registered colleges gain by getting access to quality material and information and being able to showcase themselves using their global homepage link and online video profile.

Cocubes Sample Question From Placement Papers :
Civil Engineering

Topics: RCC Design, Construction Scheduling, Geo-informatics, Hydraulic Machines, Geotechnical Eng., Water Resource Engineering.


  1. Basic Structural Analysis by C S Reddy, Edition 3rd
  2. R.C.C. Design – Drawing by Neelam Sharma, S. K Kataria ,Sons publications
  3. Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics Including Hydraulics Machines by Modi P N

Sample Questions

  1. The effective length of a column in a reinforced concrete building frame, as per IS: 456- 2000 is independent of the_______________
    1. frame type i.e. braced (no sway) or run braced (with sway)
    2. height of the column
    3. loads acting on the frame
    4. span of the beam
  2. If two foundation one narrow and another wide are resting on a bed of sand carrying the same intensity of load per unit area, then which one is likely to fail early?
    1. Narrow foundation
    2. Winder foundation
    3. Both will fail simultaneously
    4. Difficult to judge since other conditions are unknown

Mechanical Engineering

Topics: Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Theory of Machines, Kinematics of Machines, I.C. Engines , Compressors, SOM, Engineering material, Meteorology.


  1. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics by R J Fox
  2. Mechanics of Fluids, by L H Shames. McGraw Hill, International student edition
  3. Manufacturing Science by Ghosh and Mallik

Sample Questions

  1. Vaporisation curve on p-t diagram for all substances possesses the following slope
    1. Zero
    2. Infinity
    3. Positive
    4. Variable
  2. A certain high tensile strength steel has a modulus of elasticity of 2 x 106 kg per square cm and a yield point stress of 6000 kg per square cm. Find the minimum limiting value of the slenderness ratio for which Euler’s equation is valid
    1. 99
    2. 80
    3. 75
    4. 57

Electronics Engineering 

Topics: Microprocessor & Microcontrollers, Digital Electronics, Integrated Circuits, Electronic Circuits, Electronic Devices, EMMI, Network Analysis & Synthesis, Control System, Communication System.


  1. Electrical networks by B. L. Thareja
  2. Sedra and Smith, Microelectronic Circuits”, Oxford University press, 5th Edition, 2005.
  3. I J Nagrath & M Gopal, Control System Engineering; New Age International publishers..Opens in a new tab.

Sample Questions

  1. Consider a lossless antenna with a directive gain of +6dB. If 1 mW of power is fed to it the total power radiated by the antenna will be
    1. 4 mW
    2. 1 mW
    3. 7 mW
    4. 1/4 mW

    See Also: Syllabus For Aptitude and Technical testOpens in a new tab.

Sachin Thorat

Sachin is a B-TECH graduate in Mechanical Engineering from a reputed Engineering college. Currently, he is working in the sheet metal industry as a designer. Additionally, he has interested in Product Design, Animation, and Project design. He also likes to write articles related to the mechanical engineering field and tries to motivate other mechanical engineering students by his innovative project ideas, design, models and videos.

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