Dyna-Cam Engine – Mechanical Seminar Report Pdf Download

Dyna-Cam Engine – Mechanical Seminar Report Pdf Download

The original engine is patented and the Company has now made patent applications and received patent pending status for additional features that have been refined. Activity and contacts from the website indicate that there are a lot of buyers for this new engine technology.

The first production engine has been assembled and completed initial testing. The Company has had to design and build a custom dynamometer on which to complete engine testing. After testing has been completed on the first engine, it was installed in an aircraft like a Cessna 182 or a Piper Cherokee that will be able to demonstrate the engine’s performance capability

Additional installations are being discussed with owners of several experimental homebuilt aircraft, including, a LancAir, an RV6, a custom designed pusher fashioned after the Long Easy, a new designed homebuilt called the Atlantica, and several others, including a Sea Bee, a Seawind homebuilt, and possibly a Cessna 185. The initial Dyna-Cam Engine to be manufactured and sold is rated at 200 HP. The engine is 13″ in diameter, 40″ long and weighs 300 pounds with basic accessories. It has unique features and major benefits over conventional engines of similar weight and power.The benefits include lower manufacturing costs in equal production, 50% smaller size, 50% fewer replacement parts, better fuel economy, smoother operation, lighter weight, plus nearly 100% higher torque enabling the engine to turn high efficiency propellers with lower noise output.

Dyna-cam engine
Dyna-cam engine

The engine has two identical cylindrical blocks that each have six cylinders arranged parallel around the main shaft located in the center. Cylinders of both blocks line up so that six double-ended pistons can fire back and forth between the aligned cylinders of each block Each free floating piston is cut away on the central interior side and fits with precision around a 9″ diameter, four lobe, sinusoidal cam that is keyed to the main shaft.

As the pistons fire back and forth, the main cam rolls through the pistons causing the central shaft to turn. All moving surfaces are roller bearing surfaces. Another smaller 5″ cam is attached to the main shaft at the outer end of each block. As each valve cam turns, it pushes against hydraulic lifters which push against the poppet valves inside each cylinder head. The engine is a 4-stroke engine. Because of the design of the main cam, each of the twelve cylinders fires with every revolution of the shaft, in contrast to three times with conventional six-cylinder engines. The engine can be described as a free piston, axially cam-drive engine.

External accessory systems manage air intake, fuel, oil flow, cooling and exhaust. All accessory systems operate similar to standard systems used on conventional engines and may be easily updated with the latest state-of-the-art technology. Devices used on normal piston engines can be adapted to the Dyna-Cam Engine for achieving the lowest possible emissions or higher power output, i.e. electronic ignition, state of the art emissions devices, or high tech fuel injection. Higher torque at lower RPMs and reduced internal friction allow more work to be accomplished by the Dyna-Cam for the same measured quantity of fuel when compared to the conventional piston engine.

The functional and operational design of the Dyna-Cam Engine is complete. Forty prototype units have been tested and rebuilt resulting in the final design that was certified. Minor changes have been completed to expedite assembly and facilitate cost effective mass production. The first engines are now in production and purchase orders and down payments are being taken.

The Dyna-Cam is a good design and seems to offer important advantages, particularly for aviation, due to the RPM at which the horsepower is developed. There is no need for prop reduction gears which is in itself significant. The Dyna-Cam is not a miracle engine, it is just a different configuration with unique advantages.

The Dyna-Cam engine has the big advantage that an earlier version was tested and used successfully for over twenty years by the U.S. Navy as the power plant for the Mark 46 torpedo which is discussed further on the page titled R&D. This proved that the basic design of the piston and cam actuation was a success.

Compared to conventional engines of similar horsepower, the Dyna-Cam has demonstrated these major advantages:

  • Higher Power & Torque
  • Easier to Rebuild
  • Higher Reliability
  • Quieter Operation
  • 50% Fewer Parts
  • 50% Smaller Size
  • Better Fuel Economy
  • Longer Time Between Overhauls
  • Very Fast Throttle Response
  • Liquid Cooled
  • Less Weight
  • Smooth “vibration free” Operation
  • Lower Maintenance Cost


With small turbine shape, the Dyna-Cam takes 50% less space for installation yet produces twice the torque output.Depending on the success of our initial engine and possibly additional funding, larger and smaller engine sizes may be developed, to deliver more or less horsepower, turbo, or supercharged engines and engines fueled by diesel or jet fuel.

Key Specifications

  •  200 HP @ 2000 RPM
  • 175 HP @ 1600 RPM
  • 650ft.lb torque @ 1200 RPM
  • 525ft.lb. torque @ 2000 RPM
  • 373 Cubic Inches
  • 265 Lbs Dry Weight
  • 12 Cylinder, 6 Piston
  • 3.25″ Bore – 3.75″ Stroke
  • .40 Lb./Hp-Hr @ Cruise
  • .47 Lb./Hp-Hr @ Full pwr.
  • Fuel Injected
  • Dual Ignition or Single
  • 13″ Diameter x 40″ Length


When supercharged or turbocharged, the Dyna-Cam will still produce over 95% of its original power when fueled by compressed natural gas (CNG) or propane. When conventional engines are modified to use low emissions fuel like compressed natural gas or propane, they lose up to 30% of their power. To be fueled by CNG or propane, the Dyna-Cam engine only has to have the proper fuel system attached. Potentially, motor homes and busses will be able to use Dyna-Cam engines fueled by CNG, propane or unleaded gasoline, which will result in lower emissions, lower vibration and lower noise levels. Diesel is also used as a fuel in dyna-cam engine.

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Dyna-Cam Engine – Mechanical Seminar Report Pdf Download

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Sachin Thorat

Sachin is a B-TECH graduate in Mechanical Engineering from a reputed Engineering college. Currently, he is working in the sheet metal industry as a designer. Additionally, he has interested in Product Design, Animation, and Project design. He also likes to write articles related to the mechanical engineering field and tries to motivate other mechanical engineering students by his innovative project ideas, design, models and videos.

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