In previous article, we discussed 'Pedal Operated Dual chain Hacksaw Project' Idea where two separate chains were used to drive the Hacksaw. This might be costly or somewhat complicated. In this...
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Fabrication Of Pedal Powered Dual Chain Hacksaw Machine Abstract: Pedal operated hacksaw machine which can be used for industrial applications and Household needs in which no specific input...
Introduction to Shot Peening Shot peening is a cold working process in which the surface of a part is bombarded with small spherical media called shot. Each piece of shot striking the metal acts...
Gate 2015 examination is started on 1 Feb 2015. First of all, I would like to wish 'ALL THE BEST' for Gate Exam. Before appearing this exam., we all well known that Gate exam is a ONLINE Examination....
Introduction to Pedal Powered/Operated Centrifugal Pump (PPCP) Pedal Powered Centrifugal Pump (PPCP) is an eco friendly water pump. The PPCP works on mechanical energy without electricity. PPCP...
Project | Pedal Operated Washing Machine Abstract: Pedal Powered Washing Machine (PPWM) is a low cost washing machine made up of easily and readily available scrap parts in daily life. It is a...