Online Mechanical Jobs For Freshers portals and Facebook Pages
Online Mechanical Engineering Jobs For Freshers portals and Facebook Pages Online Job Portals and its Importance All the third year and final year Mechanical...
Online Mechanical Jobs For Freshers portals and Facebook Pages
Online Mechanical Engineering Jobs For Freshers portals and Facebook Pages Online Job Portals and its Importance All the third year and final year Mechanical...
Gate Mechanical R K Kanodia Preparation Material and Notes Hello Friends This Blog contains all the information about Gate Mechanical from Preparation to Admission into PSU/IIT. I am writing...
Important Gate Topics For Mechanical Engineering (ME)- Mechanical Gate Basic Concepts
Gate 2016 -Important Gate Concept-Important Gate Topics For Mechanical (ME) 1. Carburization (Metallurgy) 2. Shear force in riveted joint (Machine Design) 3. Current...
Basic concepts of Fluid Mechanics | Gate Mechanical Notes 1. The velocity of fluid particle is Maximum at the center of the pipe section. 2. Density is defined in terms of...
Thermodynamics | Gate Mechanical Basic Concepts Thermodynamics is another important topic for gate examination .thermodynamics mainly consists of sub subjects are IC engine ,Refrigeration and Air...
Theory of machine/Dynamics of Machine | Gate Mechanical Basic Concepts
A kinematics chain needs a minimum of 4 link and 4 turning pairs. If the frequency of oscillation on earth is n then the frequency of oscillation on the moon will be n/√6. The biflar...