Diesel Locomotive Works | Internship Industrial Training Report Download
Diesel Locomotive Works (DLW) is a production unit under the ministry of railways. This was setup in collaboration with American Locomotive Company (ALCO), USA in 1961 and the first locomotive was rolled out in 1964. This unit produces diesel electronic locomotives and DG sets for
Indian railways and other customers in India and Abroad. Subsequently a contract for transfer of technology of 4000 HP Microprocessor Controlled AC/AC Freight (GT 46 MAC) / passenger (GT 46 PAC) locomotives and family of 710 engines has been signed with electro
motive division of GENERL MOTORS of USA for manufacture in DLW.
The production of these locomotives has now started and thus DLW is the only manufacturers of Diesel Electric Locomotives with both ALCO and General Motors technologies in the world
Brief History:
- Set up in 1961 as a green-field project in technical collaboration with ALCO/USA to Manufacture Diesel Electric Locomotives.
- First locomotive rolled out and dedicated to nation in January, 1964.
- Transfer-of-Technology agreement signed with General Motors/ USA in October, 95 to manufacture state-of-the-art high traction AC-AC diesel locomotives.
- A flagship company of Indian Railways offering complete range of flanking products in its area of operation.
- State-of-the art Design and Manufacturing facility to manufacture more than 150 locomotives per annum with wide range of related products viz. components and sub-assemblies.
- Unbeatable trail-blazing track record in providing cost-effective, ecofriendly and reliable solutions to ever-increasing transportation needs for over three decades.
- Fully geared to meet specific transportation needs by putting Price-Value Technology equation perfectly right.
- A large base of delighted customers among many countries viz. SriLanka, Malaysia, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Tanzania to name a few, bearing testimony to product leadership in its category.
- Annual production capacity 125 Locomotives
- Annual turn-over (Rs) 5000 million
- Total number of staff 7223
- Workshop land 89 Hectares
- Township area 211 Hectares
- Covered area in shops 86300 m2
- Covered area of other service buildings 73700 m2
- Electrical power requirement 3468 KVA (Average maximum demand)
- Electrical energy consumption (units/year) 19.8 million
- Standby power generation capacity 3000 KW
![3d model of diesel Locomotive](http://learnmech.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/3d-model-of-diesel-engine.jpg)
Machine shop work is generally understood to include all cold-metal work by which an operator, using either power driven equipment or hand tools, removes a portion of the metal and shapes it to some specified form or size. It does not include sheet metal work and coppersmithing. The function of all machine tools is to produce metal parts by changing the shape, size, or finish of a piece of material. The shape of a part made with a machine tool is limited by the types of motion the tool can apply.
Standard machine tools are grouped in six basic classes:
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